Wudoo has many virtues and benefits of ablution that has been widely explained by the Word of the Prophet Muhammad SAW:
"Those who perform ablution perfectly, then his sins will fall or disappear the bodies of her to come out well from the bottom of the nail-kuku'nya (HR. Muslim). and "Verily My community will eventually come to judgment in a state of face and hands luminous sheen that former ablution".

From the words of the Prophet Muhammad, it appears that perform ablution is very important and useful so that we know the necessity of reading the prayer ablution that true intentions and determine the translation of the ablution prayer readings as well as learn how to correct ablutions

We are obliged to perform ablutions before prayer, without purification ritual prayers we not valid.
لا يقبل الله صلاة أحدكم إذا أحدث حتى يتوضأ

"Allah does not accept the prayer of one of you until he ablution." (HR. Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi)
Here is the sequence of steps or procedure performed ablution

1. Wash / wash both hands three times while reading basmalah.
"Bismilaahir Rahmanir raheem"

2. Clean the mouth and nostrils, each three times.

3. Wash the face three times while reciting intentions of prayer ablution.

Reading Prayer Intention Wudu
"Nawaitul wudhuu-a liraf'll hadatsil ashghari fardhal lilaahi ta'aalaa"

Meaning of Prayer Intention Wudu
"I intend to perform ablution for eliminating small hadats fard sake of Allah."

4. Wash / clean the right and left hand, from the fingertips to the base / limit the elbow, each three times.

5. Wiping the head from the forehead to the hairline top three times.

6. Sweep / clean the ears begin to part earlobe down and towards the top, as many as three times.

7. Wash / clean the right and left foot, starting from the fingertips to the ankle evenly, each three times.

8. Reading the prayer after ablution.

Reading Prayer After Wudu
"ASYHADU allaa ilaaha illallaah, wahdahu laa syariika lahu, ASYHADU wa anna Muhammadan 'wa abduhu Rasuuluhu. Allahumma j'alnii interest tawwabiina, waj'alnii minal mutathahiriina waj'alnii min 'ibaadikash shalihiina. "

Meaning of Prayer After Wudu

"I bear witness that no god but Allah and no menyekutukanNya. I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and His messenger. O Allah, make me the person skilled repent, make me holy people, and make me from among those who are pious. "

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